Depression has an impact on nitric oxide synthesis, urea cycle, inflammation, and ADMA levels. Metabolomics is a means to study depressive disorders and gives insights on disease etiology
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Targeted metabolomics in neurodegenerative diseases
You can learn how metabolomics can be applied to research in neurodegenerative diseases in a quantitative and reproducible manner.
Could metabolites enhance pharmacological cancer treatments?
Metabolites in action: metabolomics reveals link between mitochondrial respiration and proteasomal degradation mechanisms, with important implications for cancer drugs.
Microbiome instability and host metabolic dysfunctions
Plasma metabolome and microbiota profiles from the SHIP cohort link microbiome instability to liver steatosis, diabetes mellitus, and pancreatic dysfunction
Prediction of cancer survival rate with metabolomics
Metabolomics can be combined with clinical data for the prediction of patient survival after anti-tumor treatment.
Machine learning for ALS progression biomarker discovery
How to combine targeted metabolomics and machine learning algorithms to identify biomarkers associated with ALS disease progression.
Bile acids and newborn’s gut microbiota maturation
The maturation of the newborn´s microbiome is critically dependent on bile acids from liver and can be manipulated by administration of bile acids in mice.
Mitochondria’s role in clinical depression
What does brain activity look like after anti-depressant treatment and what is the basis for prescribing serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in the first place?
Gut microbiota and statins
Metabolomics and 16S rRNA profiling uncover the crosstalk between gut microbiota and statins efficacy that can hide behind inter-individual variability.
Lipidomics in cardiac patients after the Fontan procedure
Lipidomics reveals long-term effects of palliative surgeries in Fontan patients after cardiac function is restored.
Best practices for feces metabolomics
biocrates enables reproducible quantitative metabolomics in fecal samples. Understand the challenges associated with this matrix.
The metabolic cost of a marathon: fitness matters
Targeted metabolomics reveals differences in metabolic profiles between top athletes and amateur runners days after running a marathon.
Metabolomics in Multiple Sclerosis
Finding a test for different types of multiple sclerosis has been proven to be difficult. Metabolomics as a solution is explored in the study portrayed here.
What urine can tell about the metabolome
Biocrates enables reproducible quantitative metabolomics in urine samples, a biofluid of choice for biomarker discovery in medicine and biology.
Obesity and the microbiome
Metagenomics, metaproteomics and metabolomics create an exciting mix of approaches to understand systematic changes in an organism after external perturbations.
Does metabolic syndrome manifest itself differently?
An international team of scientists applied targeted metabolomics to deepen the mechanistic understanding of metabolic syndrome and its regional specificities.
Which metabolites tell your diet?
Uncovering the mechanism linking the Mediterranean diet with reduced risk for cardiometabolic diseases using targeted metabolomics.
Could probiotics replace antibiotics?
How can the use of antibiotics in animal farming be reduced? Probiotics might be a solution.
Arginine metabolism: Targeted metabolomics and biochemical pathways
Metabolic syndrome is associated with changes in amino acid metabolites. The korean genome and epidemiology study finds involvement of arginase activity
Feature: MetaboINDICATOR and biogenic amines
Targeted metabolomics support the study of animal health. The diet of cows (high vs low energy) has influence on the metabolite levels of the offspring.
Gender differences in brain – revealed by metabolomics
Female and male mice may think differently. Targeted metabolomics reveals differences in brain chemistry between the two which might account for behavioral differences.
Betaine for a healthy life and brain?
Betaine supplementation has a profound effect on phospholipid metabolism. Its effect on brain and liver health can be studied using targeted metabolomics.
Microbiome and cognition in Alzheimer´s disease
Due to the fact that in Alzheimers bile acids as well as the microbiome play a key role, standardized metabolomics is particularly well adapted to study Alzheimers.
Nutrition might still improve your health
The health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids are well documented. Metabolomics studies can help to elucidate the beneficial effects of nutrition on body and mind.
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