Using biocrates MxP® Quant 500 kit for broad metabolic profiling with the Agilent 6495C triple quadrupole LC/MS system
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Why you should combine analysis of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs)
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are well-established as important diet-based energy sources.
Using MxP® Quant 500 kit with Agilent 6495C TQ LC/MS systems
Using biocrates MxP® Quant 500 kit for broad metabolic profiling with the Agilent 6495C triple quadrupole LC/MS system
Lipid biomarkers improve diagnosis of bacterial meningitis
Free phosphatidylcholines in cerebrospinal fluid are highly promising biomarkers for an improved differential diagnosis of bacterial meningitis.
Blood-based score objectively captures dietary patterns
A blood-based predictive metabolomics score provides a tool linking dietary patterns to risk of diabetes that can be used to objectively assess dietary intake.
Circulating metabolites shed light on mechanism of action
The changes in circulating metabolites induced by a multi-AGC kinase inhibitor in mice and patients may contribute to better understand its mechanism of action.
Kynurenine metabolites mediate neuromuscular dysfunction
Accumulation of neurotoxic kynurenine metabolites with aging represents the mechanism of neuromuscular defects linking chronic inflammation to physical frailty.
Circulating metabolites predict coronary heart disease risk
Serum metabolites were associated with risk of coronary heart disease in a population-based cohort, with a comparable strength to classic risk factors.
Elevated serum bile acid levels contribute to NASH-HCC
Higher serum bile acid levels and an altered gut microbiome contribute to fibrogenesis, liver injury, and tumorigenesis in cirrhotic and noncirrhotic NASH-HCC.
Amino acids aid in diagnosis of tuberculosis infection
Amino acids were identified as serum biomarkers for the diagnosis of patients with active tuberculosis infection in a targeted metabolomics study.
Webinar report – Metabolomics, Nutrition, Microbiome
“Metabolomics – between Nutrition, Microbiome, and Disease” demonstrates that metabolomics is a powerful tool to study host-microbiota-diet interactions
Make sure your drug fits to your cancer
The response of cancer cells to checkpoint inhibition therapy can be predicted using metabolomics.
A metabolic profile of all-cause mortality risk
To predicting life expectancy standardized and reproducible scientific methods are needed. Metabolomics is one way to approach this question.
Serine – nonessential for you, but essential for cancer
One of the widely accepted hallmarks of cancer is metabolic deregulation. By integrating transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome analysis insights on cancer can be gained.
Metabolomics can indicate favorable response to microbiota transfer
The study of the microbiome is a vital part of personalized medicine. Targeted metabolomics supports patient stratification in Clostridiodes patients.
Metabolomics of acute heart failure
Acute and chronic heart failure can be studied using metabolomics. The metabolic phenotype (especially lipids/ amino acids) rapidly changes upon these condition
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Targeted profiling kits
MxP® Quant 500
MxP® Quant HR Xpress™
AbsoluteIDQ® p400
HR AbsoluteIDQ® p180
Pathway specific kits
AbsoluteIDQ® Stero17
AbsoluteIDQ® Bile Acids
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