biocrates blog
Applications of metabolomics
Amino acids aid in diagnosis of tuberculosis infection
Amino acids were identified as serum biomarkers for the diagnosis of patients with active tuberculosis infection in a targeted metabolomics study.
Metabolomics in Multiple Sclerosis
Finding a test for different types of multiple sclerosis has been proven to be difficult. Metabolomics as a solution is explored in the study portrayed here.
Webinar report – Metabolomics, Nutrition, Microbiome
“Metabolomics – between Nutrition, Microbiome, and Disease” demonstrates that metabolomics is a powerful tool to study host-microbiota-diet interactions
What urine can tell about the metabolome
Biocrates enables reproducible quantitative metabolomics in urine samples, a biofluid of choice for biomarker discovery in medicine and biology.
Obesity and the microbiome
Metagenomics, metaproteomics and metabolomics create an exciting mix of approaches to understand systematic changes in an organism after external perturbations.
Does metabolic syndrome manifest itself differently?
An international team of scientists applied targeted metabolomics to deepen the mechanistic understanding of metabolic syndrome and its regional specificities.
Which metabolites tell your diet?
Uncovering the mechanism linking the Mediterranean diet with reduced risk for cardiometabolic diseases using targeted metabolomics.
Could probiotics replace antibiotics?
How can the use of antibiotics in animal farming be reduced? Probiotics might be a solution.
Make sure your drug fits to your cancer
The response of cancer cells to checkpoint inhibition therapy can be predicted using metabolomics.
Arginine metabolism: Targeted metabolomics and biochemical pathways
Metabolic syndrome is associated with changes in amino acid metabolites. The korean genome and epidemiology study finds involvement of arginase activity