Amino acid auxotrophies in the human gut microbiome


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Speaker | Asst. Prof Silvio Waschina, Ph.D.
Affiliation | University Kiel, Germany

Amino acid auxotrophies in the human gut microbiome

Part of the Webinar
Quantify the impact | Microbiome

Amino acid auxotrophies refer to an organism’s inability to synthesize certain amino acids, making it dependent on external sources to obtain these essential nutrients. Theoretical works and studies in synthetic microbial communities suggest auxotrophies can influence microbial community dynamics and composition. The role of amino acid auxotrophies within the human gut microbiome remains less explored. In this talk, I will present a recent study that combined metabolomic, metagenomic, and metabolic modeling to assess the prevalence of bacterial auxotrophies in the human gut and their correlation with the host’s metabolome.

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