Plasma metabolome and microbiota profiles from the SHIP cohort link microbiome instability to liver steatosis, diabetes mellitus, and pancreatic dysfunction
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Hepatology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the liver. This organ is responsible for a variety of important functions, including filtering toxins from the blood, producing bile, and storing glucose. In several pathologies, the liver can also be the place of large fat storage associated with metabolic diseases.
Bile acids and newborn’s gut microbiota maturation
The maturation of the newborn´s microbiome is critically dependent on bile acids from liver and can be manipulated by administration of bile acids in mice.
Elevated serum bile acid levels contribute to NASH-HCC
Higher serum bile acid levels and an altered gut microbiome contribute to fibrogenesis, liver injury, and tumorigenesis in cirrhotic and noncirrhotic NASH-HCC.
Betaine for a healthy life and brain?
Betaine supplementation has a profound effect on phospholipid metabolism. Its effect on brain and liver health can be studied using targeted metabolomics.