Recap of the 8th Munich Metabolomics Symposium, November 12th, 2021
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Isovaleric acid – Metabolite of the month
Metabolite of the month is your sneak peek into the world of metabolomics. In this month´s article, we took a closer look at Isovaleric acid, a five-carbon branched ..
Why you should combine analysis of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs)
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are well-established as important diet-based energy sources.
Triglycerides – Metabolite of the month
Metabolite of the month is your sneak peek into the world of metabolomics. In this month´s article, we took a closer look at Triglycerides, complex molecules used ..
MetaboINDICATORâ„¢ - Translate metabolomics & lipidomics into knowledge Making the most of metabolomics data Alice Limonciel, Barbara Ustaszewski, Stephen Dearth, Gordian Adam, Martin Buratti, and Therese Koal Identifying meaningful results in omic datasets remains...