Using biocrates MxP® Quant 500 kit for broad metabolic profiling with the Agilent 6495C triple quadrupole LC/MS system
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Creatinine – Metabolite of the month
Metabolite of the month is your sneak peek into the world of metabolomics. This month we took a closer look at creatinine, a non-protein nitrogenous waste product generated during energy breakdown in muscles.
Taurine – Regulator of cellular function
Metabolite of the month is your sneak peek into the world of metabolomics. In this month´s article, we took a closer look at Taurine, the most abundant intracellular amino acid in the human body.
Metabolite of the month – Dopamine
Metabolite of the month is your sneak peek into the world of metabolomics. This month discover dopamine, a link between memory, blood pressure, and music.
7 tips to make your first metabolomics project successful (with story)
To obtain optimal results from your metabolomics project you might want to answer these seven questions to increase your success.