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Precision medicine – strategies to improve therapeutic outcome

Virtual event

Discover in our upcoming webinar how metabolomics is revolutionizing precision medicine.
Join our expert speakers as they share the latest breakthroughs in using metabolomics to optimize therapy response for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Learn how metabolomics is transforming the way we approach treatment.

15th scientific day of RFMF

Palais de congrès Perpignan Perpignan, France

The main themes selected for the 15th scientific day of the RFMF are the applications of metabolomics | fluxomics in the following fields:
Microbiology, Biotechnology, Plants, Feed, Health, Pharmacology / Toxicology and Environment.
We will also continue to highlight methodological and technological developments for metabolomics, fluxomics and lipidomics with bioinformatics developments | interpretation tools
analytical developments, developments for signal processing | data extraction and developments in statistical processing | data integration.

ESOC 2023

ICM – Internationales Congress Center München Munich, Germany

ESOC, a vibrant event for the stroke community, designed to present to you a high-quality scientific programme including major clinical trials, state-of-the-art seminars, educational workshops, scientific communications of the latest research, and debates about current controversies

ASMS 2023

George R. Brown Convention Center (GRB) Houston, TX, United States

The American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) was formed in 1969 to promote and disseminate knowledge of mass spectrometry and allied topics. Membership includes over 8,500 scientists involved in research and development.

Multi-omics in Metabolic Disease

Hinxton Hall Conference Centre Hinxton, United Kingdom

At this new conference, global leaders in the field will provide updates on the use of GWAS and genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics.
This meeting aims to be highly interactive to improve inter-disciplinary knowledge-dissemination between scientists and clinicians working in basic and therapeutic research.
This conference will be a hybrid meeting – with onsite or virtual attendance.

Metabolomics 2023

Niagara Falls Convention Centre 6815 Stanley Ave, Niagara Falls, Canada

The 19th Annual Conference of Metabolomics Society will take place in Niagara Falls, Canada. It will cover the major scientific themes of: Technology Advances; Computational Metabolomics, Statistics, and Bioinformatics; Metabolomics in Health and Disease; and Metabolomics of Plants, Food, Environment and Microbes. A special theme for this conference will focus on Mental Health, Drug Addiction and Medicinal Cannabis.

8th Lipidomics Forum

University Vienna, Carl Auer von Welsbach Lecture Hall Währingerstr. 38, Vienna, Austria

Meet biocrates life sciences ag at th 8th Lipidomics Forum in Vienna

30th Leibniz Conference

Seminaris Campus Hotel, Berlin-Dahlem Takustraße 89, Berlin, Germany

With the 30th Leibniz Conference, the Leibniz Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (LIFIS e.V.) is honouring the 70th anniversary of the discovery of DNA, the central molecule of genome research.

Metabolomics India 2023

Virtual event

Join the 2nd edition of our Metabolomics India 2023 virtual symposium featuring distinguished scientists from India and abroad! This year, we are diving into a stimulating discussion on clinical applications of metabolomics, unravelling the complexity of a variety of diseases, such as inflammatory, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases, diabetes and cancer.

Heidelberg Metabolomics Symposium

DKFZ Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg, Germany

The Heidelberg Metabolomics Symposium will bring together international, national and local experts in the field of Metabolomics, Cancer and Immunology research to discuss the current state of the art in the metabolomics field and to discuss future outlooks.