Metabolomics HEALTH Meeting
November 13, 2023 | 10:00 – 17:00 (CET)
Medical University Graz, Assembly hall (Joanneum)
Health is influenced by a large number of factors. This includes genetic predisposition, aging, exposure, drugs, lifestyle, the microbiome, and others. Metabolism is where those myriad influences intersect to define the disease course in the individual patient. For that reason, metabolomics can be an interesting tool in a wide range of research fields, from cardiometabolic diseases to oncology and from basic to clinical applications.
For the Metabolomics HEALTH Meeting Graz, we have invited local and international speakers who will present the wide range of metabolomics applications. From novel model systems and experimental approaches to biomarker research, talks will discuss the role of metabolomics in the future of precision medicine.
Join us for an exciting day of metabolomics science!
Programme overview

10:00 pm – 17:00 pm CET
Medical University Graz
Assembly hall
Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6
8010 Graz
Raumnummer MC1.A.EG.002
Campus map
Welcome – 10:00 am CET

Stefan Ledinger, MA BSc
biocrates life sciences ag, Innsbruck | Austria
Sessions – 10:10 am – 11:50 am

Dr. Alice Limonciel
biocrates life sciences ag
Innsbruck| Austria
Excavating the breeding ground of chronic disease with metabolomics
Abstract will follow soon.

Prof. Helmut Schaider
University of Queensland
Frazer Institute, Faculty of Medicine
Woolloongabba | Australia
O- linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase drives the proliferative state of adaptive cancer drug resistance
Abstract will follow soon.

Dr. Christoph Magnes
Institute for Biomedical Research and Technologies
Graz | Austria
Metabolic reprogramming during OGT driven states of acquired drug resistance
Abstract will follow soon.

Dr. Thomas Altendorfer-Kroath
Institute for Biomedical Research and Technologies
Graz | Austria
Cerebral open microperfusion as a model system to study metabolism in mouse xenograft glioblastoma
Abstract will follow soon.
Sessions – 01:15 pm – 03:40 pm

Dr. Alexander Dietl
University Regensburg
Regensburg | Germany
Metabolic insights into the failing heart - the mitochondrial fingerprint of tachycardiomyopathy
Abstract will follow soon.

Dr. Natalie Bordag
Medical University Graz
Department of Dermatology and Venereology
Graz | Austria
Lipidomics for diagnosis and prognosis of pulmonary hypertension
Abstract will follow soon.
Dr. Monika Oberhuber
CBmed GmbH Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine
Graz | Austria
QCbyPESI: Detection of low quality blood samples by their metabolomic fingerprint using machine learning techniques.
Abstract will follow soon.

Dr. Julia Bandres-Meriz
Center for Biomedical Research in Medicine
Graz | Austria
Tumor metabolic signatures and PDC-based drug response in adult-type diffuse glioma
Abstract will follow soon.
Dr. Angela Horvath
Medical University Graz
Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine
Graz | Austria
Metabolome in akute kidney injury of cirrhosis patients
Abstract will follow soon.